Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ought stem cell research to be limited in the US but not so abroad? Why? Please MAKE A MORAL ARGUMENT - NOT JUST STATE AN OPINION! :)

The Uncertainty of Stem Cell Work
October 06, 2010

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Embryonic stem cell researchers are weighing their career options and dealing with the worry that they may not be able to continue their work, says the New York Times' Amy Harmon. In August, federal judge Royce Lambeth ruled that federal money could not be used to fund embryonic stem cell research. The researchers, who have been operating with federal funding for the past year, may see their money dry up completely if an appeals court doesn’t overturn Lambeth's ruling. Jason Spence at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center checks Google News everyday for any tidbit of stem cell information, Harmon reports. Other researchers say that instead of concentrating on their work, they obsess over how the Supreme Court might rule in the case (if it gets that far) and how the results of the midterm Congressional elections could help or hurt their cause, Harmon adds. But other researchers are looking for alternative sources of funding — some are looking for financing from private foundations and others are considering switching to the private sector or even leaving the country. "Born in China, Dr. [Yi] Sun said she was now renewing efforts to collaborate with well-financed stem cell biologists there," Harmon says.


  1. According to the ethical code of Justice, stem cell research should not be limited by funds, and resources should be distributed evenly. We do not, however, share money across borders; the American public pays taxes to the American government, and American money is used to benefit (or at least should be used to benefit!) the American public. Of course this distribution loop is not closed, and money passes through all systems. Therefore, research should not be limited to the resources available in the country in which the individual lives. Federal money can only go so far, and if stem cell research is, at this point, accepted, moving forward in research is contingent upon funds.

    Alisa Davidoff

  2. It would be unjust to deprive this sector of the medical world their share of the funding. By depriving stem cell research funding but allowing other sectors, such as cancer research, to continue to receive federal funding strips stem cell research of its justice. By not distributing the federal funds that are available equally among all sectors of health care the federal government would be picking to fund the sectors that they, not the American people, believe is important. In doing so the government is ignoring the justice of the other sectors of medical care. doing so may also cause American citizens to be denied beneficence. Stem cell research is believed to, in the future, find ways to cure many diseases and conditions and by not funding the research, making many of the researchers leave the country, the government would be depriving American citizens of access to such treatment which may have been able to cure them.
    Jeanette Esposito

  3. This would be opposing the medical ethic of justice. The government has the responsibility to evenly distribute resources and funds to the different sectors of research. Findings from research is therefore released for the benefit and knowledge of the American public. Although stem cell research has always been a controversial topic, it is still a sector that has continued and still in the process of finding cures and important medical care for individuals. If the government does not distribute to this sector, it would be taking away from stem cell research thus taking away important possible cures and knowledge for the medical field.
    Stephanie Joe

  4. It seems everyone thus far agrees that stem cell research should not be limited in the US while being allowed abroad. The dilemma here is not whether or not we agree with stem-cell research, but the allocation of funds being distributed fairly. Based on the information given, stem-cell research will take place; it is a matter of if it will or will not on American soil. If America is deprived of funding, the projects will either end or be taken up in other countries. Time, resources, and money will have been wasted. Meanwhile, stem-cell research will be continuing in other countries. This controversy has and will serve as a set-back for the research into biotechnology that could very well be used to combat today's infections and diseases.

    Jessica Safer

  5. There are about 230 different cell types in the body. All these cells are derived from three embryonic layers -- one which forms the brain and spinal cord, another which forms the guts and liver and a third which forms muscles and bones," he said. "We need to establish a recipe to derive each of these from human embryonic stem cells, so they can be transplanted straight into the affected area of a patient. stem cell treatments
